How to migrate activities from Sports Tracker to Strava
One day I came across my old and unused Sports Tracker account in which I still have some activities uploaded. That day I decided to migrate them to Strava as it is the tool that I currently use for tracking my activities. In the next few steps, I will try to guide you through the migration process.
Create Strava application
Go to and create a new API application.
Choose a cool name for your application, leave the default value in the category
field, put some website in the Website field, even a fake one will do. Into
the Authorization Callback Domain put
and create your
API application.
When you will go to the My API Application page, you should see that a Client ID and Client Secret were generated for you. Also, see the Rate Limits which restrict you from making more requests than it specifies.
Generate API token
Next, you need to obtain the authorization token. I studied it a bit and figured
out that Strava API provides some APIs that should provide me with the token.
However, I come up with a faster solution. Open
Strava Swagger API doc and click
the Authorize button on the right. Put there client_id and client_secret
from My API Application page and in the
Scope section select only activity:write
and hit Authorize button. You
will get redirected to the page where you just confirm that your API application
does have the right to upload activities. On this page hit Authorize button.
Now you should see available authorization. From the Swagger API doc, choose the
GET /athlete Get Authenticated Athlete
endpoint, hit Try it out button and
hit Execute. In the Responses section you should see a curl command
generated with an HTTP header option filled with a token. Something like
-H "authorization: Bearer 268xxxxxc67d820xxxxxxxxxx0b2xxxxxxxxxxe9"
Copy the
token to the clipboard.
Download helper scripts
Next, download the following two files from the gist.
Download activities from Sports Tracker
Navigate to and keep hitting
Show more button on the bottom of the page until you load all your activities
on the single page. Open browser console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I
. Copy
the contents of the sports-tracker-download.js
file from the gist and paste it
to the console and hit Enter
. Right-click to the console output and save the
log to disk. Open the file and remove the script part on the top that you pasted
to the console. Now remove all the line prefixes if there are any. I used the
following sed command to remove them.
sed -i 's/^VM[0-9]*\:[0-9]*\s//'
Now you should have a nice bash script that you can run and create an offline backup of all your Sports Tracker activities. Move the script to the same directory where you have downloaded the files from the gist and run it.
It should create a directory structure in which the GPX files and images are stored. Each directory represents single Sports Tracker activity. You can ZIP this folder and back it up as an offline backup.
Upload activities to Strava
Once you have dowloaded the activities, we have to upload them to Strava. The
gist that I created provides an
helper script for that.
It is written in Bash and it requires standard GNU tools,
jq, curl and Perl installed on the
system. You need to do add a Sports Tracker username to the script as well as
the Strava API token as follows.
TOKEN=268xxxxxc67d820xxxxxxxxxx0b2xxxxxxxxxxe9 # Strava token
ST_USERNAME=johndoe # Sports Tracker username
Now we are all set for the upload. Execute the upload script.
You should see that it goes through all the activities that ar found in the current directory and it uploads them to Strava. When the script finishes, you should see a summary of what was done. Each time the script runs, there is a new results.json file created with the timestamp when it was executed. For more information see the JSON file contents.
If there are any photos to upload to your activities, the script will notify you in the summary section.
There are photos that might be uploaded for the following activities:<your-activity-id>
Upload the following photos to this activity at<your-activity-id>/edit
That's it, we have successfully uploaded activities from Sports Tracker to Strava. You can check the uploaded activities at If you would like to explore the Strava API more, check out
Links that I found along the way
stravacli - Command-line client for Strava.
strava-uploader - personal project on GitHub that uploads activities from RunKeeper.
stravaweblib - Provides all the functionality of the stravalib package and extends it using web scraping.
Other links
stackoverflow discussion about the access token generation Strava developer document describing API authentication.