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Linux commands

This document contains mainly brain dumps created at the moment I struggled to find the right command or set of commands to perform the desired action. Description is mainly in in Czech language, however the goal is to rewrite it to English.


Downgrades the specified packages to the highest of all known lower versions if possible. When version is given and is lower than version of installed package then it downgrades to target version

yum distribution-synchronization

Zobrazeni dostupnych repozitaru, repozitare zobrazeni

yum repolist all

Ktery balik nabizi prikaz gcc

dnf provides '*/gcc'

Downgradovat na starsi verze balicku

dnf downgrade jmock-1.2.0

Hledani nainstalovaneho baliku

rpm -q jmock

zobrazi starsi verze balicku, package old version

dnf list jmock --showduplicates

Zapnout repozitar aktivovat, enable repository

dnf config-manager --set-enabled fedora-debuginfo

Install missing dependencies for building an RPM package

yum-builddep spacewalk-java-2.6.25-1.git.76.aede25c.fc24.src.rpm

Instalace baliku

rpm -ivh

Instalovat specifickou verzi balicku

yum --showduplicates list httpd
yum install <package name>-<version info> #nekdy pozaduje i verzi

Porovnani obsahu repozitaru, compare content repository...more in man

repoclosure -l beaker-Client -l epel -r spacewalk-client-nightly

Najit dependence k rpm, find dependencies for specific rpm

rpm -qpR checkpolicy-2.0.22-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

Zobrazit requires

rpm -qR python3-hwdata

Ziskat informace o nenainstalovanem baliku

rpm -qip foo.rpm

Ziskat informace o nenainstalovanem baliku

rpm -qi python3-dbus

Zobrazit seznam nainstalovanych baliku

rpm -qa
yum list installed

Smazat balik bez dependenci, erase, delete package without dependencies

rpm -e --nodeps "php-sqlite2-5.1.6-200705230937"

Zjistit ktery balik vlastni dany soubor, query package owning specified file

rpm -qf /sbin/rhnreg_ks

Ukazat requires pro nenainstalovany balik

rpm -qp --requires python3-hwdata-1.10.1-6.fc24.noarch.rpm
rpm -qpR python3-hwdata-1.10.1-6.fc24.noarch.rpm

Ukazat requires pro nainstalovany balik

rpm -qR <package>
dnf repoquery --requires vim-enhanced
yum deplist <package>

Co dany balik poskytuje

repoquery --list rhnlib

To see which additional RPM packages are needed to satisfy the dependencies

repoquery --requires --resolve <package>

Historie instalaci daneho baliku

yum history package-list rhnlib*

yum log, hledani v logu instalaci

cat /var/log/yum.log |grep rhnlib

Zobrazi dodatecne informace k baliku, additional info about package

yumdb info package_name
yum info package_name…

Rozbalit rpm bez instalace

rpm2cpio checkpolicy-1.33.1-6.el5.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv

Instalace epel repa, installation of epel repository

rpm -Uvh epel-release-6*.rpm

Zapnuti repa subscription-manager

subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-$(rpm -E '%{rhel}')-server-optional-rpms


Hledani v man manpage, manual, search (stisknout "/" a psat hledany vyraz) Dalsi vysledek -> stisknout "n", predchozi vysledek "N"

replace, nahrazeni textu :%s/\<foo\>/bar/gc - Change only whole words exactly matching 'foo' to 'bar'; ask for confirmation. :%s/foo/bar/g - Find each occurrence of 'foo' (in all lines), and replace it with 'bar'.


Zobrazeni rozdilu

git diff

Pridani verze v interaktivnim modu

git add -i spacecmd/src/lib/

Rozdily v pripravenem ke commitu

git diff --cached #--cached == --staged

Potvrzeni zmen

git commit

Zmena jmena v global configu

git config --global 'Ondrej Gajdusek'

Modifikovani autora posledniho commitu

git commit --amend --author='Ondrej Gajdusek <>'

Modifikovani posledniho commitu - vsech souboru

git commit --amend -a

Ziskani obsahu remote repozitare

git pull --rebase

Pushnuti vetve na github??

git push --set-upstream origin setsoftwaredetails

master==origin, revert posledniho commitu, --hard param. Zpusobi uplnou ztratu commitu/snimku

git reset --hard HEAD~1

Revert posledniho commitu, commit ponecha obsah v casti non staged

git reset HEAD~1

Reset vetve na commit 0d1d

git reset --hard 0d1d7fc32

Situace, kdy je remote branch napred oproti lokalni, provedu hard reset na starsi commit, remote je ted ahead, musim zmenit FETCH_HEAD

git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard

Hledani v gitu, git hledani, git search,

git grep kickstart_

Hledani retezec obsahujici RHN v souborech s priponou .java

git grep '*.* RHN' -- '*.java'

Pushnuti vetve na GitHub, ignoruje konflikty

git push --force

Zobrazi remote repozitare, URL, kterou má Git uloženou pro zkrácený název, který si přejete rozepsat

git remote -v

Cherry pick commitu

git cherry-pick

Vetev neni na stejne urovni jako master, udelej ->

git rebase master How do I discard changes in my working copy that are not in the index? For a specific file use:

git checkout path/to/file/to/revert

For all unstaged files use:

git checkout -- .

Make sure to include the period (dot) at the end.

Revert specific file, revert one file

git checkout c5f567 -- file1/to/restore file2/to/restore

Delete untracked files, smazani netrackovanych/neverzovanych souboru

git clean -n # zobrazi, co se smaze
git clean -f # smaze

Smazani tagu

git tag -d spacecmd-2.6.7-1

Smazani tagu z remote, delete remote tag

git push origin :refs/tags/spacecmd-2.6.7-1

gitk refresh - Shift+F5

Commit pri kterem se pri editovani souboru vypise nejen status ale i diff

git commit -v

Git do revize automaticky zahrne každý soubor, který je sledován Zcela tak odpadá potřeba zadávat příkaz git add

git commit -a

Zobrazí rozdíly diff provedené v každé revizi

git log -p

Zobrazi posledni 2 commity

git log -2

Zobrazí některé stručné statistiky pro každou revizi

git log --stat

Zobrazi logy od nebo do urciteho data

git log --until #--since

Hledani v logu

git log --all-match #--author, --grep, --commiter

Stylovani logu, vypis pouze commit message -

git log --pretty=format:"%s"

Odstrani referenci na vzdaleny repozitar

git remote rm <název_repozitare>

Zobrazeni urcite mnoziny tagu

git tag -l 'spacecmd*'

Pridani anotovane znacky

git tag -a v0.1 -m 'alpha verze'

Dodatecne pridani tagu k existujicimu commitu

git tag -a v1.2 9fceb02

Delete tag from remote, delete remote tag, smazat vzdaleny tag -

git tag -d 12345
git push origin :refs/tags/12345

Pushnuti znacky na remote repo

git push origin [název značky]

Pushnuti vsech znacek na remote repo

git push origin --tags

Pridani aliasu pro prikazy git xxx

git config --global checkout
git config --global commit

Zobrazi posledni commit/revizi na kazde vetvi

git branch -v

Které větve už byly začleněny do větve, na níž se nacházím

git branch --merged

Zobrazit větve, které obsahují dosud nezačleněnou práci

git branch --no-merged

Prejmenovat vetev If you want to rename a branch while pointed to any branch, do:

git branch -m <oldname> <newname>

If you want to rename the current branch, you can do:

git branch -m <newname>

Smazat vetev na remote repozitari

git push origin :the_remote_branch

Pushnuti zmen, konkretne tagu

git push origin :refs/tags/spacewalk-java-2.7.12-1

Forked repo, forknute repo, jak udrzet updated s upstreamem -

How to merge two branches in different repositories, local repositories -

# switch to repo A

cd folder_a

# Add repo B as a remote repository
git remote add folderb /path/to/folder_b

# Pull B's master branch into a local branch named 'b'
git pull folderb master:b

# Merge b into A's master branch
git merge b

# Switch to repo B
cd ../folder_b

# Add repo A as a remote repository
git remote add foldera /path/to/folder_a

# Pull the resulting branch into repo B's master branch
git pull foldera master:master

Reference first commit, initial commit, prvni commit

git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD

Moving one directory from repoA to repoB with history -

Move tag, presunout tag na jiny commit -

Find all repositories with uncommited changes.

locate -r "\.git$" | sed 's/\.git$//' | grep -v cache | xargs -I _ sh -c \
'if [ -n "$(git -C _ status --porcelain)" ]; then echo Changes in _ ;fi;'


regenerace repa

koji regen-repo <buid tag>

Build baliku pro specificky build target

koji build spacewalk-nightly-fedora25 git://


Prodlouzeni casu u beaker masiny

# posledni cislo je cislo tasku u daneho jobu
bkr watchdog-extend --by $( expr 3600 \* 24 \* 9 ) 43476098

Extend test time

rhts-test-checkin 1400356 \
distribution/reservesys 120h 42970190


Replace text in file sed, replace link sed -

Strip package version from NEVRA to get only package name

sed -e 's/\([^.]*\).*/\1/' -e 's/\(.*\)-.*/\1/'

Smazani radku se specifickym obsahem, remove line with specific contents -

To remove the line and print the output to standard out:

sed '/pattern to match/d' ./infile

To directly modify the file:

sed -i '/pattern to match/d' ./infile

To directly modify the file (and create a backup):

sed -i.bak '/pattern to match/d' ./infile

For Mac OS X users:

sed -i '' '/pattern/d' ./infile


Odstraneni slozky i s obsahem It deletes all files and folders contained in the lampp directory.

rm -rf lampp

Zobrazit vypis prikazu , ktere bezi ve scriptu, command script

set -i

Ukonci script skript, kdyz neco failne

set -e

Zmena barvy fontu promptu -

Barvy v bashi -

NetworkManager text user interface (TUI)


Zobrazi posledni cast souboru. Output the last part of files


Silence user input, heslo password zadani hesla

read -s

Hledani souboru, search file


Updatovani databaze pro prikaz locate, update a database for locate


Zjisteni rozdilnosti mezi dvemi soubory

diff s1 s2

Zobrazeni prvniho radku souboru

head -1 file

Zabit proces v cmd - ctrl+D

Prenos souboru pres ssh -


Prenos vice souboru z local stanice do remote

scp /home/ogajduse/spacewalk/spacecmd/src/lib/{utils,misc,system}.py

Jak zjistit ssh klic Pokud ho mas vygenerovany, tak:

$ cat ~/.ssh/
# Pokud ho nemas vygenerovany, tak:
$ ssh-keygen

SSH permissions for id_* files -

SSH client config file -

Zmenit heslo soukromeho klice ssh, change ssh key password -

Which distribution am I using, linux version, release -

Zjisteni verze RHELu, verzi rhel zjistit

lsb_release -i -r

Sekla sessiona ssh

enter tilda tecka

Kopirovani id na remote

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

Zobraz volne misto na disku, free disk space

df -h

Reloadovat bashrc config bez odhlaseni

source ~/.bashrc

Zjistit typ souboru, filetype, file type

file ./file

Konverze timestamp conversion to time

date -d @<timestamp>

Zjistit plnou cestu prikazu (shell), show the full path of (shell) commands

which spacewalk-service
type -p spacewalk-service

List block devices, vylistovat blokova zarizeni


Package cache cleanup (PackageKit, packagekit cache removal) -

pkcon refresh force -c -1

Run tar, gzip on all cores, pigz -

tar -c --use-compress-program=pigz -f tar.file dir_to_zip

Decompress via pigz

pigz -dc target.tar.gz | tar xf -